Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Eve

Staying up late, freezing weather, and massive crowd didn't stop us from taking part in the countdown party around Great Taipei...amazing experience!


  1. why o why that CJ is sleeping on the first pic? nyehehe

    dpt umuwi n lng kc kau noh mgsawa kau s fireworks here!


  2. that was a very good vantage point, unlike me, we only saw half of the London eye, kasi nga dami na tao they already closed the roads 8pm pa lang. London eye is like covered kasi with historic buildings unlike yung taipei 101, kita mo pa rin kahit malayo.
    Im sure the fireworks were spectacular and you had a wonderful time. Chong, are you going to do it again? Me, no!
    Monette cute
